Writing and Publishing Policies






SOBIDER The Journal Of Social Sciences is an internationally refereed journal published bimonthly and 6 times in a year. Additional issues can be edited if deemed necessary.

  1. Articles sent for publication in SOBIDER The Journal of Social Sciences should not have been published before. Every article published in the area of social sciences, translations, interviews and introductions are included. Congress declarations and conference texts are accepted on condition that they have not been published.
  2. In order to send articles to SOBIDER The Journal of Social Sciences, you have to be a member of article submission system from www.sobider.com and the articles should be sent here. The added text should not contain information about the name or author's identity. Information about their authors is added by the editor during the publication period.
  3. SOBIDER The Journal of Social Sciences in as well as Turkey Turkish other Turkish dialects and in other languages articles are included.
  4. Articles sent to our journal must comply with the TDK Writing Guide. Corrections can be made by the Editorial Board which will not affect the integrity of the article.
  5. The opinions expressed in the articles published in our journal is belong to the authors. İnterlocutor of legal, economic and ethical responsibilities are the writers.


1. No names or information to uncover the identity of the author should be included in the manuscripts submitted to the system of SOBIDER. The information regarding the authors of the manuscripts that are accepted after the assessment of the referees will be added by the editors during publication.

2. Each manuscript submitted to the system of SOBIDER is firstly evaluated by the editor or assistant editors in terms of relevance to the principles of spelling and publication. At the end of this evaluation, if there are any corrections to be made, the manuscript will be returned by the editors to the author to make the necessary changes.

3. The manuscripts corresponding to the principles of spelling and publishing are forwarded to the referees. At least two referees are chosen to assess every manuscript approved by editors. The referees are chosen among the specialist of the field or department represented in the text.

4. The names of the referees and authors are confidential to each other.

5. The evaluation period of the manuscripts for the referees is 30 days at most. Another referee will be assigned for the scripts that were not reported at the end of this period.

6. The manuscript that receives two favorable referee reports is qualified for publication. The ones receiving one favorable and one unfavorable report are forwarded to a third referee and it is decided whether the manuscript will be published according to the report of the third referee.

7. The referees may want to see the manuscripts for which they asked corrections. In case that demand is stated in the report, the corrected form of the text will automatically be sent to the referee by the system.

8. The authors may object to the referee’s report within a reasonable frame and with convincing data. The objections are investigated by the board of the journal and if relevant, another referee (or referees) may be consulted about the subject.

9. For the manuscripts submitted to the electronic system of SOBIDER, the authors may trace in which phase of the evaluation process their text is at that moment, by using their membership information. The process of refereeing should be followed carefully, and since the system allows corrections for once only, the author is recommended to wait until both of the referees complete their evaluation and upload their reports into the system.

10. The editors strictly follow the corrections demanded by the referees. Thus, editors may decide whether to publish a manuscript or not.


  1. All headings should be uppercase, Times (New Roman), 11 punto. The author name should be written in small, last name capitalized.
  2. At the beginning of the article, Turkish-English abstract and key words should be found. The summary should emphasize all the important points of the article and should be no more than a hundred and fifty words.
  3. Submissions within the text must be indicated in brackets as the surname, year of publication and page number. Example: (Özcan 1997: 619).
  4. The text must be Times (New Roman) and the text should be written in 11 points, 1,15 lines. Between words, one letter space after the period and comma marks must be left.
  5. At the end of the text, the sources should be written in alphabetical order according to the author surname order in 11 points in the references section. Sources should be ordered by publication date if an author has more than one publication.

              Paper Size: A4 Portrait (Horizontal pages should not be included in the paper).

         Top Margin: 3 cm

         Bottom Margin: 3 cm

         Left Margin: 3 cm

         Right Margin: 3 cm

         Font: Times New Roman

             Font Size: 11 in title and in text, 11 in abstract and 10 in footnotes.

             Paragraph Range: 6 nk before - 0 nk after

             Paragraph Entry: First Line in the Metric 1 cm, Hanging in Footnotes 0.4 cm

             Row Spacing: 1.15 in Metric, 1 in Footnotes